Tuesday 1 March 2016

Balancing 2/29/2016

Dear Family,

It was a great and busy week full of miracles and funny moments. My last transfer starts next week. This transfer when by in a blink! I realllllllly need responses from my brothers for gift requests. I have the girls covered. 

Alright so first updates. Hugo is doing really well. The brothers from the church are stopping by Hugo this week to help him with his land. That will be so nice of them. He is progressing well but his little sister is in the hospital and not doing well so he couldn't come to church on Sunday.

We are teaching a woman named Elizabeth (good name). She is the mother of a member in the branch. She is the sweetest lady. She hasn't been coming to church because she has been sick but this past week she said she will come to church no matter what and she did! She really liked it. 

Giovanni CAME to church! He also brought his friend Romario that we teach. Romario really liked church and said he could feel the spirit. Our appointments didn't work with Gio this week so I was really surprised to see him walk in. Everyone was really welcoming. I think most people just thought Gio was an investigator haha. 

We got other cool investigators but those are the main ones. The branch has been doing some service projects for Lucille which has been really nice.I went on an exchange with Sister Parker this week and had a great time.

Funny moments. We were teaching this member. He's about 19 and a total punk of a kid. His parents are going to the temple this next month to be sealed so we have been trying and preparing him to go so we've been meeting with him. We had a pretty good lesson with him and he was saying how he wants to change and involve Heavenly Father more in his life. At the end we ask him to say a prayer and we get on our knees. At first it's taking him a while to start. I'm thinking he's emotional or it's hard to start but then he still isn't saying anything. So then I start thinking he's praying in his head so I begin to just wait. All of our heads are bowed and eyes closed on our knees. AFTER a long time he still isn't saying anything. My legs were hurting! Haha. I look at him and he kinda peeks and we make eye contact. Silently I give him the thumbs up like are you done? He looks confused and points to my companions. I then say something. Turns out he didn't know he was supposed to pray and he thought we were meditating or something. He said, "I wondered if we were gonna be here all night!" He went on to say a very non-heartful prayer. That's more like him haha.

We came home one night and there was water everywhere! Turns out in our laundry room there is a bathroom that we never use. I guess there was a leak in the sink and water was going everywhere! We spent the night cleaning up. Pretty funny and thankfully no damages. Missions are always an adventure.

Also breaking news. No more 7 o'clock curfew. Thank goodness! It's a big relief actually and nice to fit in more lessons with our two areas. 

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Thanks for the updates and pictures! Love you all!


Het Gaad Verder Verder Verder Verder 2/23/2016

Dear Family,

It was a crazy week that went by in a blur. Do I say that every week? Probably! Time just flies! It was a fun and busy week. This week it was more of trying to balance time between both areas. We do a pretty good job of planning out. But the Kwatta area has SOO many members and less actives that need to be seen but we don't have time to see them all. 

Our time to find new investigators has gone down, thanks to the two areas. We only get to really focus on the investigators that we have. I'm still having a great time with Sister Vernes and Zeegelaar. They are both awesome missionaries with strong testimonies. Sister Zeegelaar sometimes worries about her English but it is really good! She'll do great. I'm secretly hoping that she gets to Utah after I do so I can take her through the temple and to the MTC. For her own sake I also hope she can go. She is great though! I hope you get to meet her!

Gio is doing really well. We are having really good lessons with him but he still hasn't come to church yet. I hope he will soon! 

Hugo is doing great! We brought one member this week and they got along super well too. He loves the brothers of the church haha. He wants to be baptized and learn everything. I hope he understands it all too. He came to church again. He is a really nice man. 

I went on an exchange with Sister Walsh this week. It's always fun to connect with her again. I can't wait introduce everyone to her too. She is one of a kind. She is a terrible biker- haha. One time she didn't have brakes that worked and I literally saw angels protect her as she rode into traffic. On our exchange though we were biking and some dog started chasing us and Sister Walsh pretended to grab a stone and throw it. In the meantime she got distracted and almost missed her turn so made a quick turn, cutting me off (I didn't know where we were going) and we crashed. Not surprised!

We went to Over B
Visiting someone with Sister Walsh.
ridge today which is this lake thing with a beach. We played lots of beach volleyball and playing around. It was a lot of fun. I'm happy to be here. It's just a good time. 

Something cool I learned this week was studying about forgiveness, mercy and grace. It's really interesting how they are all connected with each other. We always think of how without justice God can't be God. But sometimes we over look that God couldn't be God without Mercy as well. Pretty cool.

Love you all!


Back to New 2/16/2016

Hello Family,

Thank you for everyone's prayers and fasting. I was all the way better this week. I really didn't get as sick as most people do. The thing about Zika is that there is nothing you can really do about it besides rest it off and take pain medication. The doctor gave me pain medication that is basically tylenol, vitamin c, and some muscle cream. I really felt fine this week. I felt a little like I had done a work out that was non existent but that was about it. It really wasn't anything serious. 

I forgot a funny moment from last weekend district conference. The Saturday night session in the middle of Sister Linger's talk a bat flew into the room and kept flying around. Everyone was so distracted by this bat. I was scared I was going to get hit in the head. All of a sudden it hit a fan at the front and landed on the stand. Then a brother went to the front and stepped on it. Sister Egbert's face (who was on the stand) was priceless. It was pretty funny. 

Well, sad news this week is that Sister Jensen went home last M
I am with my friend Fallon, from Wanica
at District Conference.
onday. She was sick and had to go home to get it checked out. So now I have Sister Vernes back. Only difference is that this time we have two areas. Luckily they aren't too far from each other but still it adds a lot more biking time. It made for some interesting days but still lots of fun. 

Some cool stories from this week. First Giovanni. He is 24 and hasn't been to church in about 4 years. His extended family are strong members of the church. However none of his immediate family are members. We have been trying to get his family involved. This week we were able to have a cool lesson with Gio and his brother. His brother is really interested to learn more. He was taught but the elders in the past but never got baptized. And Gio finally started reading a little bit in the BOM.

Hugo is doing good. We were only able to have a short lesson with him today but he is just soooo excited to learn everything about the church. He came on Sunday again and loved it. He is also making friends in the church which is cool. People like him. 

So my hair is very long now and children love touching my hair. This week we were having a lesson and two little girls were fighting over doing my hair. One runs in the house and brings out a fine toothed comb and starts going at it. Needless to say it hurt. 

I have been studying more about the devil this week. I know it's kinda a funny study topic but it's been really interesting. I feel the more you know him, the easier it is to recognize some of his evil tactics. It is foolish to deny his existence but better to strengthen yourself to deny him. 
We are with Shenelva

I'm so grateful for the church and for the experience I have had on my mission. It's something I would never take back. I have a lot more work to do but it is good to know that there is a light somewhere in the distance :) I miss you all!


I Promise I Won't Get Pregnant! 2/9/2016

Dear Family,

I will try and put into detail my crazy week! Last Sunday I woke up with a rash all over my body. I had pain and just didn't feel like myself in my body. Overall though I have handled it really well. I've been feeling happy and good. I went to the doctor and am getting better and better. Still have some side affects and my legs still feel jello-y but I'm getting better.

It was an exciting week. Besides being sick we were still able to have some cool lessons and experiences. First is with Hugo. He is a newer investigator. We had a great member with a member that he connected with. Hugo is really excited to learn everything he can. He came to church this week and really liked it. The member took care of him and introduced him to other people. It was great. We also got to see a less active named Gio. He is my age. Hasn't been to church in 4 years and really doesn't know much about the church. His extended family are members but no one in his immediate family is. Hopefully we can start teaching them too. Gio has so much to learn and basically has to start from the beginning but I think that'll be great to discover his testimony again. Another cool experience was our lessons with Shenelva this week. She didn't come to church though! She really wants to get baptized this month but the fact that she has to do some more progressing isn't clicking yet. 

We had zone conference this week. It was all about the atonement and so interesting. I've loved learning more about the atonement on my mission. You come to realize there are so many different aspects of the atonement. It is so personal and you can never know or understand enough. The AP's talked about Article of Faith #3, Sister Egbert talked about the sacrament, and President talked about the different powers of the atonement. I bore my departing testimony this zone conference as it is my last one. It felt silly to give it because i still have 10 weeks left. I talked about how I used to hate how as a missionary you see all your faults but I've come to realize that it is a good thing. It means that I am becoming more like Christ. You can't change your weaknesses until you accept and humble yourself that you do have them. Only then can God change your weaknesses into strengths. I have seen myself change and grow to become more like Jesus Christ. Still got a long way to go. I'm so grateful for the missionaries down here in Suriname. I wish you all could meet them. We have such a cool group down here.

Sister Jensen left yesterday to go home and get her sickness figured out. I really hope she can take care of herself and get better. It was really sad to let her go. 

We also had district conference this week. It's always fun to see everyone. Everyone was so scared that I was home now too because they saw Sis Chris was. I was happy to tell everyone that I still had time haha. 

Love you all and thanks for the prayers. 


Monday 8 February 2016

There are Always Surprises! 2/1/2016

Eating chicken feet
Dear Family,

One thing about missions is that you can never expect the next thing. I really like that aspect as a missionary even when the surprises aren't good. It always keeps me on my toes. Sister Jensen had to leave and go to Trinidad last minute to get some things checked with the doctor. So for three days this week I was still in my trio working two areas. It's always a good time and lots of biking. 

Sister Klas
Man, so much happened this week and I can hardly put it all in words. Update on some people. Radjan is doing really good. Still haven't been able to see Mariska again. He has been reading and still having really good feelings about everything. We asked him to pray about it. Sister Klas has been doing great! Just getting smarter and smarter. She came to church this week so it was good to see her. The second and third picture are of her. We have an new investigator named Hugo that seems promising. He's not married either though...surprise.

Our threesome with Sister Klas
This week I had some amazing insight about grace. As a missionary you tend to doubt your faith and stop yourself from progressing. Well maybe it's just me too haha. BUT truly if you pray for the right things, humble yourself and ask in faith, because of the atonement of Jesus Christ you can be strengthened. Grace is the divine power through the atonement. I just feel like you need to know the right ways of accessing it. I'm doing my best to learn. 

I'm loving being with Sister Zeegelaar. She is an amazing missionary. No news yet on her visa but i'm happy with her staying here! I want her to go to america after I get home cause then I could take her to the temple and to the MTC. But for her own sake I hope it's not that long haha. 

I have sooo much more work to do here. I hope I can get it done before time is up. This week is zone conference and I will be giving my departing testimony--same as you mom and dad. Kinda crazy but still feels like a long time. 


Just Call Me Zuster! 1/26/2016

Dear Family,

Yes, transfers are this week. I'm losing Sister Vernes so it will be just Zuster Zeegelaar and I
This is a newly baptized family

Sister Vernes
. I'm so sad to lose Vernes. We were having such a fun time in our trio. It'll still be great though. I woke up at 2:30 am to drive with Sis C to the airport. Because an apostle is coming to the mission (not to Suriname of course) they had to fly Sis C earlier to Trinidad. She will be serving there for like 5 days before she goes home. It feels really weird with her gone. But it'll be ok. I'm still STL with Sister Walsh now. 

It was a good week that felt long and fast at the same time. We were able to watch the worldwide missionary broadcast live on wednesday. It was really great. The whole time watching it though I couldn't help but just cringe at seeing all the sisters in their cardigans with their ipads with cute flower covers on them. Misisons are so different all throughout the world. Can't say I remember too much from the broadcast though...

FINALLY got my Dutch nametag a YEAR
after I ordered it!
Let's see. This week we had some really great lessons. Sometimes I feel right when I am getting really good at teaching and doing missionary work, the progressing investigators don't seem to come. The struggles. BUT we had some great lessons with Radjan. He couldn't come to church this week. I asked him in our last lesson how he was feeling about everything and he said he really likes the way he feels. Also random but I kept thinking about Savita this week, that one lady that dropped me. I felt like I needed to say hi. So I went and she was so happy to see us and we had a lesson with her yesterday. We will see. I still haven't asked her about the text she sent when she dropped us but we will see. We aren't seeing until next week though. Also Zr Klas still doesn't have money but I  think this week she will come. She's doing great. Hmm don't have much news on anyone else right now. Next week hopefully I will have lots to say. Yes we are still biking everywhere. We usually teach about 4 people everyday I would say. Not a ton but that's what happens with 4 hours of studies and a curfew.

Life is going great though. Can't complain just working hard and loving these moments. Also Happy 50th brithday Charlie!! 

Hope everyone is great! I love you all! 


Tuesday 19 January 2016

Still Got My Eyebrows 1/18/2016

Dear Family,

This week went by very fast! I swear it's getting faster and faster. Next week begins my 2nd last transfer. I also got an email today from the mission office asking me what airport I want to fly home to. It freaked me out!! 

I had a great week. I'll first tell the story explaining my subject. We have a gas oven that we have to stick a flame into this bottom hole thing. Sometimes you have to blow on the flame to get the oven lit. So Sister Vernes has trouble lighting it. She asked me to do it. I go to the oven light a q tip to stick in the hole. I give a little blow and BOOM there's an explosion in the oven and all the weird fluff stuff blew out of it. I shut the oven and we were just all in shock. Sister Vernes kept on asking are you ok?? The only thing I kept saying was, "Do I still have eyebrows?? Is my hair there?" Turns out some front baby hairs were burnt off but thankfully nothing elses haha. We just all started laughing like crazy. I was so confused why it did that but then it turned out that Sister Vernes turned the gas on--then went to the bathroom--then asked me to light it. Hence the huge flame that erupted! No harm done but a lesson learned. 

Cool story from this week is our less active Sister Klas. She is not smart but just the nicest lady. When we first found her we would teach and she wouldn't understand anything. Last week we started to really focus on the Book of Mormon with her. We've been reading together and she's been reading on her own. Her comprehension has shot up. She's understanding so much more! It's been fun to see. 

We also have a new investigator names Radjan. Found him through contacting in the city. He grew up hindu but he's super smart and knows stuff about Christianity  He's been reading and understanding everything. He's cool. We will see him tonight and see how he's progressing.

I went on an exchange with Sister Jensen this week. We always have a great time together. I would love to serve with her before the end but I don't know if that will happen. Next week I will be telling you my new transfer call. I don't think anything will be changing for me though.

I'm having a really fun time in my trio. We all get along really well even though we are all different. They are really growing and becoming great teachers. 

Sister C leaves this week which is so sad!! It's gonna be really hard to not have her in Suriname. She's my best friend here and it will be lonely without her. 

The work is moving on! I'm loving my life here. I miss you all and can't wait to see you all soon.
